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Part 1 of the main treatment technology includes ROUGHENING the plastics and cost-efficient rinsing using reduction. This is followed by PRE-ACTIVATION and ACTIVATION or a minimum application of palladium. Then there is FIXATION, where palladium is fixated into the cores of roughened plastics in a bath, and CASCADE RINSING. Then the product enters a CHEMICAL NICKEL bath, after which it undergoes cascade rinsing.


Part 1 of the treatment ends with the application of chemical nickel of approximately 0.5 micron. In essence, this technology gives a semi-finished product conductivity and a possibility of further electrochemical treatment. After line 1, the procedure is continued in two electrolytic lines with ELECTROLYTIC COPPER PLATING of approximately 20 microns, rinsing, pickling, re-rinsing and ELECTROLYTIC NICKEL PLATING of approximately 10 microns and, after this, ELECTROLYTIC DECORATIVE HARD CHROME PLATING.


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This is followed by cost-efficient rinsing, reduction, cascade rinsing and, finally, drying in a dryer, if it meets the technological requirements, or in a centrifuge. When products are given the required metal coating, they are sent to final control and packing, which differ according to the product, depending on its type and size. The overall technological process is carried our using state-of-the-art German technology by ATOTECH Company.




ELECTROPLATING LINE with 49 baths equipped according to the requirements of the technology requested;

DRYERS with STRAINERS are used for the final treatment of products;

8 RECTIFIERS for all electrolytic baths from 600 to 2500 Amperes;

VENTILATION SYSTEM for ventilating premises with baths;

WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT with basins, probes and stirrers for the reduction and neutralisation of waste water;

• Furthermore, the line also includes electrical cabinets for steering levels, temperatures, line transporters and other devices, such as rectifiers, fans, etc.;

• The galvanisation system principally includes the following coatings: chemical nickel, gloss copper, gloss nickel and decorative hard chrome;

SPECIAL HANGERS (each product involves its own structure) that are made according to preliminary designs.




  • 10.500 dm2 of treated surface per day
  • 2.625.000 dm2 of treated surface per year


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